We will provide a road map and the tools for you to take climate action. And give you a community whoop when you do!
To join one of our existing clean-up groups, keep an eye on our social media and newsletter where we will share details of any oncoming clean-ups.
Don’t see a group in your area yet? Maybe this is your opportunity to take the lead! Find out how to start your own clean-up group in our resource page here.
If you are a business or educational facility and would like to know more about how to get involved in our clean-ups please email us at info@climateloveireland.com
Tree Planting
Despite being known as a ‘green’ country, Ireland has the lowest forest cover of all European countries. Approximately 11% compared to a European average of well over 30%.
Together, let’s change this and plant native Irish trees. Throughout planting season (November to March), we will be collaborating with tree planting initiatives who could use some extra hands to plant more of our beloved trees across Ireland.
Keep your eyes peeled on our instagram and newsletter for planting dates and details of how to volunteer.
The fashion industry is more polluting than the aviation and shipping industries combined. According to the 2018 Global Slavery Index it’s also the second highest at risk industry for slave labour, with 80% of workers being women.
The best solution? Simply rewearing and celebrating what already exists. Fashion is an amazing form of expression, culture, heritage, craft, connection and thankfully all of the best parts of fashion are enhanced and remain when engaged with sustainably.
Join the movement of people rewearing their clothes with pride by getting your ReLoved heart pin with our partners at Thriftify.
To learn how to host your own swap check our resources section here